Category: Post

Heylen Group zet groeistrategie Creative Cooling Group verder met de overname van Coolio International

Heylen Group zet groeistrategie Creative Cooling Group verder met de overname van Coolio International

Heylen Group en Creative Cooling Group nemen Coolio International (THE DISPLAY COOLING COMPANY ) uit Antwerpen over en versterken hiermee het bedrijfsportfolio van Heylen Group in het marktsegment van de promotionele coolers.

E-book: How second placement empowers you to boost your sales

E-book: How second placement empowers you to boost your sales

Including second placement into your marketing strategy is nowadays even more important than ever before. So, an invaluable piece of advice: Don’t fight a price war! Just make sure your cool product stands out instore. How? Get these 5 tips quickly.

9 tips to save on your energy bill with a Creative Cooling display

9 tips to save on your energy bill with a Creative Cooling display

While consumers are rapidly changing their shopping behavior doing their utmost not to consume more than the bare essentials, you face unseen supply and energy costs. We will help you save on your energy bill by mapping out how you can save electricity with display coolers on the shop floor.