Breaker – Catch me if you can


The yogurt snacks of Breaker are edgy, lively, unrestrained, and focused on acting on impulse.

A brand that is dedicated to literally jump out needs a cooler that does exactly that: making sure they are both seen and activated. That is what we created for them. A playful, creative concept – aimed at young people who love action and impulse decisions.

Our challenge: create ‘something’ playful, youthful, and action-oriented. Our cup of tea!

Our cool experts came up with a “catch me if you can” display cooler, emphasizing the spontaneity and youthfulness of the brand combined with the variety of their product offering.

By working with a gripper, the playfulness and action that matches the brand’s identity is transferred to the shops. Consumers can discover the various flavours in a playful manner while having a good time exploring the brand. It’s all about experience and fun.

Do you also have a creative cooling idea? Let us know and we’ll create it together.
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